Our Story

Founded in 2013, Sogolytics answered the market demand for a robust survey platform delivering high-quality analysis at an affordable price. Today, clients worldwide trust Sogolytics with their most sensitive and powerful data, as they investigate employee engagement, customer experience, and more. We are the challengers, and we continue to expand our products and services to deliver the critical answers that inform positive change.

Our Vision: Building the world's best feedback platform to power the world's smartest decisions.


Nothing matters more to us than data security.

From the Tier-3 data centers that house our data to our rigorous internal and external audits, detailed protocols, and regular trainings, every element of our system is designed to give you complete peace of mind.

Many of the world’s top companies trust Sogolytics with their most sensitive data, recognizing our commitment to security. We’re proud of the certifications and awards we’ve won, but the trust of our clients is the highest compliment, and we work hard to keep that trust every single day.


Our commitment to excellence means sweating the details.

Every single team member at Sogolytics is charged with maintaining the highest quality standards. If something’s wrong, they call it out. We deal with it. Nobody’s just passing the buck — we’re all assigned to quality.

From our platform to our services, we care about getting it right. This means deeply studying our clients’ needs and goals, planning for every contingency, and testing every detail. Whether it’s a managed project we’re handling for you or a new feature we’re rolling out, you’ll get our best every time.


There are an endless number of right answers.

When you’re in the feedback business, you find insights everywhere. Our users and participants offer wildly valuable suggestions all the time, and we’re constantly examining how to deliver more project power in the most user-friendly fashion.

Our team members, family, friends, and communities inspire us every day, bringing fresh thinking and new discoveries from all walks of life — science, the arts, media, and more. Plus, serving every industry means growing from what we learn, and building as we go.

We’re not afraid to be different. There is no end to how far we can go.


We’re here to help.

We love our products, but we all know it’s the people who make the difference. From who we hire to how we train new team members, we’re committed to helping every colleague achieve success. We look out for each other, building relationships and enhancing communication. We have different jobs, but we’re all on the same team.

No matter which one of our team members you connect with, you’ll notice the difference. We’re committed to serving our clients with personalized support and customized solutions. Beyond the office, this dedication to service shines in our volunteer efforts and support for charitable and non-profit organizations.


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