Features and


SogoConnect features a suite of functions to help you gain valuable insight into what your customers are thinking—and take action to nurture the customer experience at every step.

Manage customer relationships
from a single interface

With a dynamic set of ticketing tools, SogoConnect allows you to set priorities, increase accountability, and build better relationships through responsive communications—no matter the point in the customer lifecycle.

Built in collaboration
from the start.

SogoConnect communication tools encourage collaboration across your enterprise.

Direct Tickets

Direct tickets, alerts, and internal communications based on individual or team responsibility is clearly integrated.

Automated Communications

Automated communications and tasks keep everyone up to date about the status of tickets and what steps need to be taken next..

Flexible Routing

Flexible routing and inclusion options allow you to loop in another team within your organization, reassign the ticket, or add users as need.


Make notes about tickets so that others can see details about follow-up and conversations that occurred outside the system.

Keep tabs on customer sentiment
with powerful SogoConnect features

This easy-to-use yet powerful platform provides the tools you need to power business growth and develop keen insights into what your customers are thinking and feeling.

Auto-Generated Feedback forms

Automatic forms save time, increase efficiency, and help to keep the dialogue open between you and your customer with ease.

Customer Satisfaction Ratings

Get instant feedback on your customer support after a ticket is closed and know how well you’re doing.

Customized Feedback Center

Provide a clear portal for customers to provide feedback wherever they are—embed it into your website or apply as a separate landing page.

Anonymous Feedback

Gain a more complete picture of customer sentiment through anonymous feedback.

Templates and Bulk Actions

With response templates and bulk action capabilities at your fingertips, you can respond swiftly to customer needs and concerns to close the loop.

Customer SentimentAt-A-Glance

View positive or negative CX scores and track them against benchmarks to influence business decisions.


Quickly and easily set up outreach campaigns to solicit feedback from your customers—then track responses & analyze the data once it comes in.

Intuitive Dashboards

Find the status of dialogues and your team’s outreach efforts at a glance—and determine where strengths and weaknesses are.

Join the strongest brands on the planet.


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