
Inspiring brand champions,
transforming customer experiences

Engage your customers at every point of their interaction with your company – and keep them coming back.

Capture the Voice of Customer
and take action

Customer experience management means more than collecting feedback about customer experiences. A complete customer experience platform, SogoCX allows you to monitor customer sentiment throughout their journey with your company — not just at one moment in time.

With powerful analytics at your fingertips, you’ll have real insight into what your customers are thinking.

Build relationships that last

The best customer experience software helps you build a foundation of trust and loyalty with your customers, nurturing advocates who are passionate about your company.

Listen to your customers

Gather customer feedback across multiple channels and touchpoints with ease.

Show them you care

Respond quickly to every customer by setting up instant notifications for feedback.

Understand what matters

Break down key metrics to learn the voice of the customer and deliver experiences that resonate.

Identify customer preferences

View trends over time and spot patterns to create experiences that make an impact with powerful analytics.

Go for the “wow” factor.

Meet the customer experience platform that uncovers customers’ real motivations, enabling you to create truly memorable experiences.

It’s no wonder that SogoCX is one of the top customer experience management solutions in the market today!


Address Pain Points In Real Time

Respond quickly to customer issues, adapt to evolving demands in the marketplace, and align people, processes, and technology to meet current and future challenges.

Monitor Customer Sentiment

Gather feedback across all touchpoints to track and improve key customer experience metrics, including Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) and Net Promoter Score (NPS).

Make The Data Work For You

Discover trends and patterns in customer sentiment and make course corrections when (and where) they matter most with a CX software that does it all.
not reactive

SogoCX is a comprehensive customer experience management software designed to streamline the customer journey every step of the way.


Build business value from the very start


Collect multi-channel feedback across the customer journey


Bring together customer experience data and operational data


Respond and close the loop across any channel


Identify the best actions for the biggest ROI


Systematically monitor all touchpoints and data

What is Customer
Experience Management?

In the age of constantly evolving consumer expectations, your biggest business differentiator is the experience you deliver. How do your customers feel when they interact with your business? Do they trust your business to not only meet their basic needs, but to deliver on their highest expectations? This not only determines how loyal your customers are, but also how likely they are to recommend your business to others. Our powerful customer experience management platform helps business understand and identify customer concerns, map out the customer journey to better understand what matters the most, and implement predictive analytics to assess how various SogoCX helps organizations better strategize, optimize experiences, and maximize ROI, creating brands that become icons. changes can impact your bottom line.

Invest in customer experience

Show customers you care by connecting with them, asking for their feedback, and acting on their wishes.

Prioritize your participants

It’s cheaper to keep existing customers than to acquire new ones. Better yet? Do both by focusing on CX, improving retention, and turning loyal customers into brand advocates.

Ask the right questions

What do your customers care about? What would they change about your company if they could? Ask them directly—and let their responses guide your customer experience management strategy.

At the right time and place

Gather insights at key touchpoints throughout the customer lifecycle to map out the customer journey. Segment results to identify how different customer types engage with your brand.

All in real-time

Use real-time reporting to quickly respond to customer concerns, test new initiatives, and react to new trends.


SogoCX allows you to reach out to customers and gather critical feedback for customer experience management. Collect thousands of responses, then instantly analyze them for insights using advanced reporting functions. Identify key drivers, KPIs, and areas for improvement, and use your findings to elevate customer experience.

Learn how
Hear what our
happy customers are saying

“Powerful Analytics”

“Thanks to the powerful analytics of SogoCX, we have saved hours of work sifting through data and created visibility to actionable nuggets, so we can easily act on the feedback and make a difference for our members. As if this wasn’t enough, the support we have received along the way is second to none.”


Sales and Accountability Leader
All In Credit Union

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“Amazing, quick, and easy reports”

“The kind of reports that I am able to pull for our exec team is impressive. They look at those and say things like, ‘This is amazing, it's quick, it's easy.’ I couldn’t get that with the last survey company we were utilizing. We’re able to do things I couldn’t have even imagined.”


Transition of Care Manager
Legacy Healthcare LLC

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“Transforming how we communicate”

“Sogo understood how important this project was to me. They didn’t just sell me a member experience software, they helped me transform how we communicate with our members. My credit union started to see the high response rate and an overall satisfaction score of 9.45 [out of 10].”


CEO, HealthShare Credit Union

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