Close the loop
with your customers

SogoCX helps you make sense of the information at your fingertips and uncover actionable insights in your customer experience data.

CX management is about
more than feedback

Customer feedback is important, but it’s what you do with it that matters most. Properly tracking and resolving customer issues is the critical final step that turns customers into lifelong brand advocates.

Follow-up the right way, right time,
every time


Collect feedback across multiple channels


Automate responses for quick resolution


Assign tickets to the right people


Prioritize and personalize responses


Win over customers through swift action


Track trends to spot future issues

SogoCX empowers you to monitor customer feedback, manage outreach and communication, and resolve negative customer satisfaction issues before they escalate.


Create a flexible, long-term relationship with your customers through SogoCX

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Wrap it up with
a CX bow

With SogoCX, nothing falls between the cracks. Customer interactions are tracked, monitored, and routed to the right hands for a speedy resolution.


Customer feedback is automatically routed to the relevant team for response and resolution.


Customer feedback is automatically routed to the relevant team for response and resolution.


Elevate and organize feedback status so critical issues get handled first.


Once the issue is resolved, case closed. Your customer is now more likely to do business with you again or spread the word about the positive experience.


Elevate and organize feedback status so critical issues get handled first.

What is closed loop feedback?

Simply put, a closed loop feedback process includes incoming communication and follow-up communication. For some businesses, this looks like a ticketing or case management system. For others, it’s answering the phone calls or emails that are received. Organizations that prioritize omnichannel customer experience may collect and accept feedback from numerous sources, filtering them down into a closed loop feedback system for timely review and follow up. Of course, collection is only half of the process. It’s the rest of the process that differentiates closed loop feedback management from the classic “open door policy” of many managers and businesses alike. Once the query is received – be it a question, concern, or even a compliment – that message must be routed to the correct respondent, reviewed carefully, and replied to promptly. In many cases, additional follow-up action must be taken, leading to further communication with the person who reached out. Closed loop feedback requires careful tracking to ensure that each loop is closed to the satisfaction of the initiator. A strong closed loop feedback system will also incorporate a follow-up survey to confirm that the initial query was resolved and that the process was completed smoothly. This ensures accountability with those responsible for follow-up and the integrity and continuous improvement of the closed loop feedback system.

How does a closed loop feedback system help businesses?

“To close the loop” is always a key goal of communication for those looking to build relationships, improve customer experience, enhance employee experience, and to create a positive and productive environment and reputation. Simply sending out messages across various channels doesn’t fulfill this goal. Instead, a closed loop feedback system is built to prioritize both receptive and responsive communication. Omnichannel customer experience strategy prioritizes listening across all channels, but it can be difficult and time consuming to wade through a wide range of messages in different formats. A closed loop feedback system helps to collect and organize all of that content, directing it to the right team members for review. Closed loop feedback systems should also streamline internal communication to ensure every query gets the right response from those who know best. In some cases, a quick reply is sufficient to address a question that comes in. In other cases, multiple team members need to weigh in, share resources, and collaborate on how best to respond. In the best closed loop feedback systems, this collaboration happens behind the scenes. In the worst, customers wait on hold, get transferred to different departments, and lose track of – and perhaps confidence in – the business’s ability to keep it together. Keep in mind that these queries may come in from customers, but such a system may also be set up to address feedback from employees or other audiences that are important to the success of the business. On the surface, the ultimate goal of a closed loop feedback system is to resolve any questions, concerns, or other queries from those the business serves. However “customers” is defined, it is evident that businesses that successfully implement closed loop feedback management strategies will have more satisfied customers, decreased churn, improved retention and loyalty, and an enhanced brand reputation.

When should businesses implement closed loop feedback systems?

With an omnichannel experience management approach in mind, it may be tempting to throw open the doors and welcome all feedback across all channels at all times. Indeed, closed loop customer experience strategies highlight the value of exactly this practice. However, keep this principle in mind: If you don’t have the right structure in place to respond to all queries all the time, opening the floodgates may let in a flood you can’t control – and your reputation and business will suffer. A phased approach is the best strategy for implementing a closed loop feedback system. Understanding the resources you have available is a good place to start. Who is currently responsible for following up on incoming questions? In mapping out the scope, you’ll also need to decide which kinds of feedback you’d like to start encouraging. Perhaps there’s a specific initiative you could use to begin with – like a new product return policy – to start testing the closed loop feedback flow. Once you’ve clarified who will participate and what they’ll focus on, choose the channel or channels you’ll prioritize. Will this feedback be coming in from a form on your website, as a follow-up from a direct outreach, or redirected from email inboxes? When your business has clear answers to these questions – who, what, and how – you're ready to start implementing a closed loop feedback system! Be sure to select a closed loop feedback management solution that will support your current needs and be able to scale with you as your business grows!

Why is closed loop customer experience important?

Imagine emailing your favorite brand to report an issue with a recent online purchase. If nobody replies, you’re going to be pretty disappointed. Maybe you follow up with a phone call to their customer service line – and end up leaving a message that nobody responds to. Yikes. At this point, you reach out to them on social media. Nothing. Finally, you give up on them – and tell all of your friends and family about your terrible customer experience. Sadly, the end of a beautiful relationship. Close the loop CX strategies prioritize maintaining those beautiful existing customer relationships and inspiring new brand ambassadors. Unfortunately, companies that focus solely on welcoming feedback but somehow miss the memo on responding to it will find that closed loop feedback failures can have major repercussions. For every business that wants to maintain a strong and consistent omnichannel customer experience, to grow and improve their brand reputation, and to provide outstanding service at every stage, closed loop customer experience must be a priority.

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