Employee Job Satisfaction Survey

Number of pages 2 Number of questions 12 Number of times used 6.7k+

Time to complete 2 minutes(approx.)

Employees are your best source for better understanding workplace achievements and frustrations. Improving problem areas before they escalate can help your retention and reduce churn — but only if you find out about them first!

While customer feedback certainly matters, checking in with employees can give you plenty of valuable insight on how to make improvements in your organization. While it might not be possible to make everyone happy all the time, it’s certainly critical to ensure that all employees are safe and secure and getting all they need to be successful.

The Employee Job Satisfaction Survey questionnaire is a simple way to check in with your employees to be sure they’re getting what they need to carry out their responsibilities. Resource issues, training needs, and miscommunication can all be uncovered efficiently and lead to immediate improvements in your workplace. Even big picture items like employees’ feelings of connection to the company’s mission and

values can help you to implement strategies that will keep everyone on the same page from day to day and over time. Your employees make it possible for your organization to be successful. Be sure you’re doing all you can to ensure their success, too, and you’ll see lower churn, higher productivity, and improving returns. Plus, by listening to employees and taking action to address their needs, it’s pretty likely you’ll be able to raise the happiness level overall, too.


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