Blog Content Survey Template

Number of pages 4 Number of questions 19 Number of times used 3.2k+

Time to complete 6 minutes(approx.)

Feedback is one of the surest ways to learn more about your customers and create content that truly engages readers. The best way to get that feedback is with an online survey. The sample Blog Content Survey offers solid base questions to help you better understand your customers’ online content preferences, as well as the chance to customize unique questions to meet your needs.

it’s time to stop guessing. If you’re looking for ways to boost your online content marketing strategy, survey your target audience to choose an appropriate tone and topics that’ll make your content go viral. Save yourself time, effort, and stress by letting your audience tell you what you need to know. You may have a vague idea about what readers like, but the best way to find out is to ask.

Surveys let you check any assumptions and validate data on:
The demographic(s) reading your blog (age, gender, location, interests, etc.)
The types of content people would like more of
What products they might be interested in purchasing down the road
What criticisms they have of your blog
Any ideas they have for improving your blog (topics, post length, types of posts, post frequency, etc.)

The insight you gain from the Blog Content Survey will help you engage your customers with the format and type of content that they find appealing. Maximize your time and customize your content by learning your customers’ preferences.


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