Technology Needs Assessment Survey Template

Number of pages 13 Number of questions 31 Number of times used 8.4k+

Time to complete 8 minutes(approx.)

The Instructional Technology Needs Assessment is designed to identify the technology-related professional development and resource needs of teachers. Questions ask about use of technology in the classroom, teachers’ own use of technology, and access to programs and equipment to support learning,

With the pace of technological development speeding up every day, it’s more important than ever to ensure students and staff have the tools they need to keep up. From hardware to software, connectivity and cybersecurity, the infrastructure of learning is constantly expanding.

The Instructional Technology Needs Assessment enables IT teams and other administrators to quickly and easily collect the data required to make the changes required. Missing, outdated, or dysfunctional technology can slow down progress and waste valuable instructional time, too. With the full picture of needs in focus, you’ll be able to allocate your resources toward the most pressing concerns that can have the biggest impact.

Whether it’s the right machine, a helpful program, or improved internet connections, the right technology can make a huge difference. Put a plan in place to assess staff instructional technological needs and make sure your colleagues and students have the resources they need to keep up and get ahead.


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