Time Off Request Form Template

Number of pages 3 Number of questions 8 Number of times used 1.1k+

Time to complete 3 minutes(approx.)

A simple and effective system for requesting and tracking Paid Time Off keeps employers and employees clear on expectations and well informed regarding any follow-up or adjustments required.

Your team members work hard and it’s important to allow them the time off that they need and deserve. Whether it’s a vacation day that allows work-life balance or a sick day that supports a healthy recovery, respecting your employees’ needs and rights is a no-brainer.

The Paid Time Off Request Form allows you to collect a short and simple application from employees seeking time off, as well as to route it to the right managers and track approval, denial, and/or modification. It should be easy for employees to access and to use this form, and easy for you to manage.

Posting this form on your website or staff intranet makes it easy for employees to request and use the PTO they’re entitled to and ensures that you’re fulfilling your obligation to support their needs. As an employer, it’s important to know who’s going to be in or out and how you’ll need to cover your bases. Balance your policies and your practices with a simple and efficient tool and you’ll keep the system running smoothly no matter who’s in or out.


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