Students School Climate Survey Template

Number of pages 15 Number of questions 21 Number of times used 5.8k+

Time to complete 5 minutes(approx.)

This School Climate Survey for students asks them to reflect on school experiences in the current school year. Topics covered include academic preparation, student support, parent involvement, safety, school operations, and transportation.

School climate is a complex picture made up of a variety of elements, and measuring students’ level of satisfaction with their experience is just the start of understanding where to make improvements. A strategic approach to collecting this data is critical; anecdotal evidence is insufficient to paint the full picture of school climate. Grades alone are not an indicator of a student’s satisfaction with school. Extracurricular activities, social interactions, and specialized programs can be key influences on student perception, as can daily occurrences like transportation and school lunch.

The School Climate Survey for Students provides a solid series of questions based on key dimensions known to impact student perception on their schools. From giving an overall grade to their school to providing answers regarding specific programs and situations, students are the best suited to identify key issues that impact their experiences. While parents and school staff mean well, the voice of the student is a critical component in analysis of school climate. Student reflections on their school experience can provide helpful information to teachers, support staff, and school administrators,

but also to those who provide operational support, like transportation and nutrition services, who may rarely receive meaningful feedback. Student voice is powerful alone, but can also be studied in coordination with the perspectives of other district stakeholders. Running this survey alongside the School Climate Survey for Parents and the School Climate Survey for Staff can offer a broad spectrum of data to inform positive action and strategic improvements.


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