Compare and choose the plan that’s right for you!

Just need the basics?
$ 25 USD/month
Billed $299 Annually
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  • Add your own survey logo
  • Customize thank you page
  • Export data to Excel
  • Simple skip logic
$ 66 USD/month
Billed $788 Annually
View monthly pricing
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  • More question types, including Image Choice and Grids
  • Hide irrelevant questions and question skip logic
  • Full control of survey themes, colors, fonts and more
  • Graphical analysis of results ready to export to PowerPoint and Word
  • Fully customized and personalized email invitations
  • Randomize questions and answer options
  • Data exports (CSV, Word, PPT, XLS)
$ 99 USD/month
Billed $1188 Annually
View monthly pricing
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  • Advanced reporting and analysis
  • Guaranteed anonymous surveys
  • Advanced skip logic
  • Pre-fill known data into visible and hidden fields
  • Auto-translate multilingual surveys
  • Create quiz with automatic scoring
  • Display custom messages based on quiz scores
  • Trend analysis and data comparison
  • Auto save responses
  • Schedule delivery of saved reports
Enterprise Feedback
Foundation feedback and
assessment software.
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  • Branded URL
  • Multiple users for collaboration and enterprise deployment
  • Admin dashboard and user controls
  • Powerful data segmentation and data visualization
  • Text analysis and statistical significance
  • Single Sign-On (SSO)
  • Share dynamic links to reports and dashboards
  • Closed loop feedback — email alerts
  • Salesforce integration
  • API
  • Advanced security management
  • Limit account access to trusted networks
  • HIPAA compliance — with BAA
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Just need the basics?

Frequently Asked Questions




What is the purpose of a Trial account?

Each Trial account offers free, short-term access to all features in its corresponding package. For example, a Trial-Premium account includes all Premium features. Trial accounts are used to help users explore all of the options available in each package.

How many surveys can I create in a Trial account?

There are no limits on the number of surveys you can create in a Trial account.

Will my data be saved when I upgrade my account from a Trial to a paid version?

Data collected in a Trial account will be preserved when the account is upgraded.

Can I downgrade a higher Trial package to a lower paid plan?

If you choose a lower paid plan, you will need to create a new account. You may copy any surveys from your Trial account, but all advanced features used in the surveys will be lost.

Do I need to provide credit card details when I sign up for a Trial account?

No credit card is required when signing up for Trial versions of any paid packages. Credit card details are required only when subscribing to a Sogolytics paid plan.

Does a Trial account have any limitations?

All Trial accounts include all of the features and functionality of the packages they represent, providing users with hands-on experience before they make their purchasing decision. Trial accounts are limited only in quantity: launch up to 100 invitations, send 1 email reminder, and receive up to 100 responses. Following a trial, the account can be upgraded to the features and higher limits of a paid package and all surveys and data will remain intact.

What happens after my Trial ends?

At the end of your trial period, you will be prompted to choose a paid package. Once you make your selection and upgrade, your account and chosen features will be fully functional with your surveys and data intact.

What are email invitations and response limit for Basic account?

A Basic account allows 100 email invitations and responses per survey per year and a maximum of 200 email invitations and responses per year.

What is the difference between a Trial account and a Basic account?

Each Trial account offers free, short-term access to all features in the corresponding package. For example, a Trial-Premium account includes all Premium features. Trial accounts are used to help users explore all of the options available. Basic plans are free for life and include basic features only.

What can I do with a free Basic plan?

Our Basic plan offers hands-on experience with the platform and includes all basic features. To view an exhaustive list of features offered, click here.

How many surveys can I create in a Basic account?

A Basic account allows you to create unlimited surveys.

Can I have more invitations or responses added to my Basic plan?

Within the free Basic plan, set limits cannot be changed. You may take advantage of higher invitation and response limits within our paid plans.

Am I bound to a contract after signing up with Sogolytics?

Signing up with Sogolytics does not bind you to any contract. An annual plan ends at the end of the year. You may cancel your account at any time without any hidden or additional charges.

Who uses Sogolytics?

Sogolytics users span the globe and cross industries, from small business owners to Fortune 500 executives. Check out our Customers page to learn more.

Can I run projects for multiple clients?

Please check out our consultant model.

Does Sogolytics offer any discounts?

We are committed to supporting the good work of those in non-profits, and we offer significant discounts for non-profit organizations. For more information, click here.

What support options are available for users?

Our support team is available to ensure user success 24/7. Check your package for specific details, including email, phone, and chat-based support.

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