Manager Evaluation Form Template

Number of pages 6 Number of questions 14 Number of times used 1.5k+

Time to complete 5 minutes(approx.)

Ensure your leadership team is providing positive inspiration, motivation, and support for your employees by collecting direct feedback from those who know best through our manager evaluation form. The practice of feedback collection alone benefits both sides and informs future improvements.

Especially within a religious institution or faith-based organizations, many managers take on leadership roles that go beyond the day to day practices of an ordinary business or company. As participants in a larger mission and community, managers can face added responsibilities and challenges from both personal and professional angles.

The Manager Evaluation Form is a simple and effective tool for use in collecting feedback from employees about their managers or supervisors. Communication, support provided, and other aspects of the manager’s performance are included, as well as opportunities for the employee to provide specific and detailed explanations as needed.

To ensure complete confidentiality, our manager evaluation form may also be administered with anonymity enabled, allowing administrators to collect candid feedback while guaranteeing participants that their responses will not be traced back to them. Include regular manager evaluation surveys as part of company leaders' annual performance appraisal cycles. The information you learn can improve communication and other aspects of your organization’s mission all year long.


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