Rearrange Questions

You can easily rearrange questions and add new pages with SoGoSurvey’s drag and drop interface.

  • Easily rearrange questions for logical flow
  • Quickly drag and drop questions onto new pages

Need a stress-free survey tool? SoGoSurvey’s intuitive interface makes it easy. For instance, you can drag and drop questions with our Rearrange Questions feature. Being able to rearrange questions easily and drag and drop questions into new pages is a must-have feature when you’re building a survey.

It may be hard to believe, but many free and low-cost online survey tools don’t offer their customers even the most basic survey design tools such as the ability to drag and drop questions. SoGoSurvey’s full array of advanced features ensures you a professional survey. Rearrange Questions is just the beginning. So join us and find out why so many people have switched to SoGoSurvey.

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