Secure Surveys with SSL Encryption

SoGoSurvey offers SSL (Secure Socket Layer) data encryption so that survey responses are encrypted during transmission.

  • Encrypt survey responses
  • Protect sensitive data ― social security number, salary, contact information
  • Reassure participants that their data is safe

SoGoSurvey’s Secure Surveys with SSL Encryption allow you to have the peace of mind you need knowing your data is safe and protected.

SSL stands for Secure Socket Layer. It was originally developed by Netscape to protect information sent over the Internet from eavesdropping and corruption. It works through the encryption of data between Web browsers and Web servers. A URL with “https,” means an SSL connection will be used, and almost all websites such as SoGoSurvey that ask you to log in also use an SSL connection. In survey technology, Secure Surveys with SSL Encryption are critical for maintaining participant privacy and information integrity.

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Also known as: ssl security, https certificate, secure socket layer


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