Redirect Survey to Customized URL

With SoGoSurvey, you can add a survey redirect to send participants to a related website after they complete the survey.

  • Introduce your audience to a website they may not otherwise visit
  • Redirect to a static URL
  • Redirect to a dynamic URL, which can contain variables based on a question in the survey

After participants complete your survey, you can redirect them right to your company or nonprofit website. In this way, you can maximize your survey participants’ visit. When they link to your website, they can learn more about your products and services, which can help you accrue some sales and grow your business. SoGoSurvey’s dynamic redirect feature even allows you to redirect participants to specific web pages based on their survey answers.

Redirect Survey to Customized URL is just one of SoGoSurvey’s many advanced features that go far beyond what our competitors offer.

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Also known as: redirect url, survey redirect, custom redirect url


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